How to Run Your CARV Verifier Nodes on NodeOps Console?

What is CARV

CARV is building the largest modular data layer for gaming, AI, and ∞, elevating and sharing data value to the industry as well as all individuals.

What are Verifier Nodes?

Verifier nodes are lightweight nodes managed by the community. They play a crucial role in maintaining the protocol's integrity, thereby enhancing its trustworthiness and security. Currently, these nodes primarily check TEE attestations on-chain, verifying that the results are reliable and that the process maintains the privacy of user data.

How to Run Your Verifier Nodes?


  1. Node License Key Is Required to Run a Verifier Node which can be purchased via NodePad here. As the official Node Infrastructure partner for CARV, use code "nodeops" to get an additional discount on your Node Key Purchase.

  2. Metamask Wallet

Step 1 - Login to Console at

Step 2 - Select CARV & Type of Node as Verifier Node

Step 3 - Connect your Metamask wallet to verify if the Node Key is Found or Not

Step 4 - Subscribe by Selecting the Duration (In Months) & Pay

Step 5 - Once Payment is Successful, you will be redirected to the Dashboard where you will see the Action Required. Under this Step, you will have to Click to Delegate to Delegate the Keys to assign a Verifier for your keys. This would be redirected to the official delegation page of CARV which takes care of delegating & assigning the keys to an Operator

Once Delegated, you should see your Nodes Up & Running which can be verified at your Nodefolio as well as CARV Explorer

Last updated