
Lumoz Testnet Node Setup Tutorial | Powered by NodeOps

Welcome to the Lumoz Testnet Node Setup Guide! The Lumoz Network is a globally distributed modular computing network that leverages the DePIN network to offer a secure and flexible computing platform for users around the world. Lumoz focuses on advanced zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) services, supports Rollup network development, and provides computational power for AI technologies.

At the heart of this ecosystem is the Lumoz zkVerifier Node, a universal verification protocol on-chain, providing data verification services to enterprises and users. With just a standard server, you can easily participate in zero-knowledge computation verification through Lumoz.

How to Set Up Your Lumoz zkVerifier Node with NodeOps

This tutorial will guide you through the process of deploying your Lumoz zkVerifier Node using NodeOps.


  • zkVerifier License (available only to users who participated in the zkVerifier node sale).

  • MOZ tokens for gas fees.

Refer to the Lumoz documentation for instructions on how to obtain the testnet license and MOZ test tokens (

Subscription Purchase Process

Step 1: Sign In to the NodeOps Console

Log in to your NodeOps account to access the NodeOps Console (

Step 2: Navigate to the Node Deployment

Go to the Node Deployment Page and select Lumoz.

Step 3: Select Node Type

Choose Verifier as the node type (this is selected by default). Connect your wallet containing the Lumoz zkVerifier Testnet License by clicking Connect Wallet. Once connected, select Fetch NFT, and the system will display the number of NFTs linked to your wallet.

Step 4: Fill in Node Details (Detailed Explanation of Reward Distribution)

After connecting your wallet and fetching the associated NFTs, you will need to configure the following reward distribution options. These options define how rewards from validation tasks are divided between the node operator, license delegators, and esMOZ stakers.

  1. Commission Rewards:

  • Definition: This is the portion of the verification rewards that the node operator (you) retains as a commission. It is a percentage of the total rewards earned by the node for performing verification tasks on the network.

  • How It Works: You can set a commission rate (default is 5%). This percentage is deducted from the total verification rewards before the remaining rewards are distributed to other participants (i.e., esMOZ stakers and license delegators).

  • Example: If your node earns 100 MOZ tokens in rewards and you set a commission of 5%, you will keep 5 MOZ tokens as your commission, and the remaining 95 MOZ tokens will be split between the stakers and delegators.

  1. Delegate Split:

  • Definition: The delegate split is the percentage of the remaining rewards (after your commission is deducted) that is allocated to license delegators. License delegators are users who delegate their licenses to your node, contributing to its operational capacity.

  • How It Works: After the commission is deducted, the remaining rewards are distributed based on the delegate split percentage. The default value is set to 45%, but you can customize this to a percentage that fits your preference.

  • Example: If the remaining rewards after your commission are 95 MOZ tokens and you set the delegate split to 45%, then 42.75 MOZ tokens (45% of 95) will be allocated to the license delegators.

  1. Staking Split:

  • Definition: The staking split is the percentage of the remaining rewards allocated to esMOZ stakers. These are users who stake esMOZ tokens to support your node and help maintain the network’s integrity.

  • How It Works: After the commission is deducted, and the delegate split is applied, the staking split determines how much of the remaining rewards are distributed to stakers. The default is set at 50%, but you can modify this to suit your desired allocation.

  • Example: Using the same 95 MOZ tokens after the commission, if you set the staking split to 50%, then 47.5 MOZ tokens (50% of 95) will go to the esMOZ stakers.

Important Note:

The sum of Commission Rewards, Delegate Split, and Staking Split must always equal 100%. For example:

  • Commission Rewards: 5%

  • Delegate Split: 45%

  • Staking Split: 50% = Total: 100%

You can adjust these values to reflect how you wish to distribute the rewards, ensuring that the total percentages across all categories always add up to 100%.

Step 5: Choose Subscription Duration

Select your preferred subscription length. Longer subscriptions offer lower monthly rates. If you have NodePoints or a discount code, you can apply them here. Click Continue to Pay to proceed.

Step 6: Complete Payment

You will be redirected to CopperX to finalize your payment using your preferred blockchain method.

Node Delegation

Step 7: Delegate Your Node

Once the payment is complete, you will be redirected to Nodefolio. You’ll see your newly created node with a "Click to Delegate" button. Click this button, and your wallet’s NFTs will be displayed. Complete the delegation process by selecting Click to Delegate.

Congratulations! Your Lumoz zkVerifier Node is now active. The status of your node should change to Running.

Optional Step: View Your Node

You can view your node under the My Node section here:

For further assistance or troubleshooting, please refer to our support resources or contact our help desk.

Last updated